Thursday, July 3, 2008

God's Plan

Dear Family and Friends,

April 3, 2008 was a day that Troy and I will not soon forget. At 16 weeks into our pregnancy, my OB sent us to a maternal fetal medicine specialist for a specialized ultrasound. Because of my "advanced maternal age", this was considered a routine check. I don't like the sound of "advanced age", but i'm healthy, in decent shape and have had 2 previous uncomplicated pregnancies! So, with no cause for alarm, we went to the doctor excited to find out if baby would make 3 girls or if we were in for a new experience with a boy.

To us, the medically unexperienced, the baby looked great! The tech was able to tell us that it's a boy!! Our excitement was soon shattered as the doctor explained that he was seeing many markers (including measurements and physical characteristics) that indicated that our baby has Trisomy 18. He went on to explain that Trisomy 18 is a chromosome disorder that affects 1 in 3000 babies. This occurs when the baby has three chromosome 18 instead of two. Only 10% of babies with T18 live to be a year old. A later amniocentisis confirmed that our son has full Trisomy 18. Needless to say, this was total shock and a lot for us to absorb.

Troy and I decided that day in the doctor's office that God has given us this child, and He has a plan for our family and this baby. Though we don't clearly see the plan at this point, we know that God is with us and will guide us every step of the way.

We have previously shared this with our family and some close friends. Many of you we see in the hall at work or church or at our children's activities and you ask how we are or how the baby is and we say "good" or "fine". Obviously, we haven't felt that those times are the best opportunity to share our story. I decided to start this blog at the suggestion of a wonderful Christian woman, who shares a similar story, as a way of updating family and friends on the progress of this pregnancy and our thoughts. Please pray for our family - for strength, health and peace.


For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11


Jane Rafferty said...

Hi Karen, I just want you to know that I have been thinking about you and your family and I have a whole group of girlfriends and other Mommies who have been praying for you and your family. My heart goes out to you and I don't think a day has gone by for the past 2 months where I didn't think of you and what you are going through. As one parent to another I can't even imagine how difficult this journey has been for you. God does have a plan for you and this pregnancy and there is comfort in knowing he will see you through this. Love, Jane your cousin in NC

Anonymous said...

Karen and Troy,
I really like the blog and agree that it's a great way to update everyone at once. I love you guys very much! Baby Z will make a great addition to our family and I can't wait to meet him. I feel blessed that I get to be an aunt again especially to such a special nephew. I know this is a very difficult journey but God does have a plan for you and this little guy.

P.S. Nick includes Baby BB in his prayers every night. :)


Julie said...

Karen, Troy, Brittany, and Brianna - you all have been in our prayers for many, many weeks now. We know God has a plan for little Boy Z. It is hard to understand why these things happen but in God's time understanding will come. I stand amazed at your strength, courage, and unwavering faith over the last months. I thank God for our know that we are here for you. Love, Julie (and Chris, Bailee, Mitchell, too!)

Kenzie said...


I'm SO happy to see y'all sharing this with family and friends. I know as we have talked that this sometimes is a much easier way to communicate thoughts, prayer requests, and any news. Please know that I continue to pray for your sweet family... that God would lead you as you walk this difficult road obediently. Sometimes it is almost impossible to feel right now, but He is carrying you and will reward you greatly, blessing you in ways you could never imagine right now. Praise God that we don't grieve without hope... He is holding your little guy firmly in His hands. Just remember how VERY MUCH He loves you... as you struggle, as you question, as you seek His peace.

Much love and many prayers tonight and in the days and weeks ahead.
In Him,

Anonymous said...


You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. When my boys were in the NICU after birth for weeks, I spent much time in prayer and worry. Like you already know, God has a plan for you and your family. I think the blog is a healthy way for you to share your story with people who love you. I look forward to keeping posted via the blog and meeting baby Z! -Tiff Hayes

Anonymous said...

Karen you and your family have been in my prayers for the past couple of months. I felt bad not trying to contact you constantly because I thought you needed the time and space to work it out with God. You are so true in saying that God has a plan for you and your family and for Baby Z. You don't have to look for the plan it will become known to you when God is ready. Karen I love you and your family so much. I will continue to keep you in my thoughts and in my prayers because prayer changes things. I love you girl and stay strong through Christ because he will strengthen you.

Love, Jennifer Swayzer

Anonymous said...

Karen, I must admit I was shocked to read the blog last night as I had no idea what you have been going through. Please know that you have all of our thoughts and prayers through this, sometimes difficult, journey that God has laid before you. Thank you for taking the time to create this blog and keep us all posted. We love you dearly and are praying for your strength and guidance through God's plan. As you remember with my baby cousin Ruby, God can and will work miracles right before all of our eyes. Prayer is very powerful so please know that you and Baby Z are always in our's. With love, Jenni

Anonymous said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with you every minute and every hour of every day. We know you can never take for granted a child's life, whether one minute, one day or one year. Whatever the situation we are there for all of you-in anything we can do. We are very proud -as usual-to be grandparents again to such a special little boy.

Anonymous said...

I hope I can be there to listen to your feelings happy or sad.We can pray together play together.And I hope I can be there when babby Z is born.
Love, Sarah

Anonymous said...

Hi Karen
I just wanted to tell you that I am praying for you and your family and I will put you on our prayer lists at church. You are living proof of Phillipians 4:13. You are an inspiration of how much faith all christians should have in Christ. I can only imagine how difficult this must be on you but as you already know God does have his own plan. May God bless you and your family. I will continue to pray for you all. Kellie Schmidt

Anonymous said...

Karen and Troy,

Our church just completed the James MacDonald series "Gripping the Greatness of God," and one session in particular was titled "The Sovereignty of God." At a time like this when so many things are going through your mind and at such rapid pace too...I sincerely believe the Sovereignty of God will supernaturally uphold you each and every day and provide you the necessary peace, understanding and insight accordingly. We join with the "many" in prayer for you.

Love & Blessings, Barry & Libby

Unknown said...

Karen and Troy,
I am so excited to hear about your new addition. I am very sorry that the circumstances are not more favorable. Rememeber God never gives you more than you can handle. The pictures of your family are beautiful. I will keep you all in my prayers during this challenging journey. God is faithful! Love, Allison, James, Emily and Rachel Moore

Anonymous said...


The girls are so beautiful! Wow, they are growing up fast! Thanks for sharing.

-Tiff Hayes

Anonymous said...

Dear Troy, Karen, Brittany and Brianna
What amazing faith you have and what an example of Christ's love you are to us all. We are praying for your continued strentgh in what God is calling of your family and we are here for you all with love. Thank you for sharing such a blessing with us and we can't wait to help you celebrate this bundle of joy! We are honored to call you guys friends.
Love, Brian, Julie and the gang

Mary Berk said...

Zuckero Gang,
We have been praying for you guys since we heard your news. Let God continue to guide you. I know that it is a difficult and often angry time for your whole family, and that you may question what his plan is, and I have know that your faith will guideyou through this tumultuous time. We miss you all and wish we were able to see you more often. Lucas talks about the girls and wants to see them again (We keep your Christmas pics on the fridge all year!). They are beautiful and so grown up, and they have probably outgrown little Lucas! Keeping you in our prayers, loving you and missing you, Mary Berkley, Lucas, and the Whitley boys

Anonymous said...

Karen, Troy, Brittany, & Brianna,
Thank you for sharing your news. I have been praying for all of you for a long time now and many of my friends have too. I feel that God has already begun to show part of his plan through you. Through the strength and faith that you have already shown, you and Troy are such wonderful Christian witnesses for God. What a blessing and inspiration you are to others, many of whom you will never know.(Grandmother and PaPaw Morgan would be so proud of you.) May God keep all of you in his loving care in the days ahead and grant you continued courage, strength, peace and faith.
I keep thinking of the song, "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands," and I know that he has Baby Z in his loving arms.
God Bless and much love,

Anonymous said...

Karen,Troy, Brittany and Briann, We are very saddened by the news of baby Zuckero. Our God has a for sure a plan for your family and the baby. We know by his grace and his strength that is what gets us through trying times like these. Through your faith and prayers from all of your family and friends will get you through this time. This baby is such a blessing and a gift from God. We have been faced with grim news with Brittain when he was a baby. Doctors may think they know everything, but sometimes you just have to let God put it in his hands and let him take over. He is our maker and he is the only one that knows our future. Stay couraged through prayer may baby z will be healthier than they know. We will be only a call away. We love you guys. With the most heartfelt prayers love Lisa, George, Brittain and Alyssa

Anonymous said...

Karen and Troy,
I've been thinking of and praying for you over these past couple of months. It's so hard to find the right words to say but as I was in Church yesterday we sang a song by MercyMe called Bring the Rain. The whole time we sang it all I could do was think of you. If you get a chance to listen to it, please try to. I just wanted to share a few of the words from their song. "I can count a million times people asking me how I can praise You with all that I've gone through. The question just amazes me. Can circumstances possibly change who I forever am in You." Another verse goes on to say "I am Yours regardless of the dark clouds that may loom above, because You are much greater than my pain....Holy, Holy, Holy, is the the Lord God Almighty." There are many other beautiful words in the song, these are just a few that I wanted to share with you.
I hope these words and the words of many others will uphold you and let you know that you are loved and being lifted up to His Throne daily. Praying for His peace, healing and overflowing Grace for your family.
In His Love, Lisa and Tony McCall

boltefamily said...

Hi Karen!

I found your site through Kenzie and I just want you to know that my family will be praying for you! We know all too well the struggles you must be feeling! Please know you are being lifted up and loved by those you don't even know!

Much Love,

Anonymous said...

The loveliest ruins

The most beautiful things I’ve seen lately might, at first glance, seem spoiled.
Maybe that’s because our buffed, airbrushed and artfully arranged culture leaves scant room for anything it deems less than “perfect.”

Just days ago I noticed that the stargazer lillies I paid too-much-a-stem for are dying in the most exquisite way: leaving their silky, fragrant and feathery petals in pools of pink and white on the breakfast room table. Each morning a few more fall, until now there are handfuls of them…so lovely that I can’t bear to pick them up and toss them away.

Some time ago I visited a 17 year old in the hospital; she was giving cancer a hard run for its money, and seemed to be winning. Except her hair was gone, save the softest, fuzziest stuff that doesn’t keep her skull from showing through – and radiation had left mean scars on her neck where the skin was once soft and smooth.

Here’s what I noticed, as I watched her talk in a voice that never wavered: her eyes were luminous, brilliant blue – and her smile was quick and real. I couldn’t get over how pretty she looked, curled up in flannel pajama pants and a baseball t-shirt, chattering away as if we were at Starbucks, and neither of us was sick.

Then, I stumbled over these words from Martin Luther, spoken in the parish church of Wittenberg on Christmas day, 1534: “Unto you,” states the angel, “is born a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.” These words melt heaven and earth together, make death into sugar, and turn all ills, of which there are plenty, into delectable wine.”

Christ is the one who makes the difference. He is the Savior who transforms the broken and dying into the beautiful and blessed. Who makes death sweet and presses pain and sadness into the very best wine.

We want to look away from death and ruin and slow decay – but when we do, we miss their glory. It is when we see them as they are that their beauty blazes through – not until, and not before. And because He’s disarmed death, and left its wrappings behind like drifts of flower petals, hope lodges deep in every lovely ruin.

But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the surpassing greatness of the power may be of God and not from ourselves; we are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not despairing; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed; always carrying about in the body the dying of Jesus, that the life of Jesus may also be manifested in our body. Therefore we do not lose heart, but though our outer man is decaying, yet our inner man is being renewed day by day…for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal.” (2 Cor. 4:7-10, 16, 18, NASB)

Anonymous said...

Karen, Troy, and the girls,
Your blog has really touched me. You are building a wonderful testimony, and it is awesome to hear your strength is from the Lord. I will keep you in my prayers.
Gretchen Worrell

Anonymous said...

Karen, Troy, and the girls,
Your blog has really touched me. You are building a wonderful testimony, and it is awesome to hear your strength is from the Lord. I will keep you in my prayers.
Gretchen Worrell

Anonymous said...

Baby Z and Famly,
You have all been in our thoughts and prayers daily. I can't imagine how difficult this has been for everyone. Over and over in my mind I keep thinking of the prayer or story (I'm not sure it really qualifies as a prayer) called Footprints, it's one of my favorites. A man sees 2 sets of foot prints in the sand, but in several places there are only one set. He asks Jesus why he would abandon him. Jesus replies " those footprints are mine, it is during those difficult times that I carried you." I may not have it exactly right, but your amazing faith will carry you through every difficult journey you may face.

love, dani

Anonymous said...

God has blessed The Zuckero Family with a baby boy! Welcome Nolan!!

My vocabulary cannot adequately convey my feelings concerning the circumstances you all have been facing. My soul aches for each of you during this bittersweet time. Your unwavering strength is amazing! It is truly a testimony to the power of Christ in your lives.

A baby is always a blessing! None of us is guaranteed a specific amount of time on earth, but Jesus has guaranteed us eternal life in Heaven! Praise the Lord! Cherish the time together and have comfort in it; until life ever after. Peace.

Anonymous said...

May the Lord bless you and your family in hard times
It’s true that we serve a God of miracles.
God’s original intent for His creation was to function under His blessing instead of a miracle. If sin hadn’t corrupted God’s creation, there would be no need for miracles. Everyone would be healthy, everyone would be prosperous, and strife, the cause of broken relationships and wars, wouldn’t even exist.
Unfortunately, there is corruption in the earth, and there will always be a place for miracles. However, Jesus not only forgave us of our sins, He redeemed us from the curse and placed blessings on His followers.
Remember to praise God for what ever happens because if you don't praise God you will be empowering the devil. In other words one can praise the devil indirectly by complaining.
Most Christians believe that praising God and being thankful is good; however, many think it is optional, something to do after they have served the Lord in other ways. Some Christians only praise God when their circumstances are good and they have a reason to thank Him. The truth is that praising God is not an option. Praise has a powerful effect on the believer. It is our highest calling.
When we pray, we should begin with praise and end with praise. The Lord's prayer gives us this example, and Philippians 4:6-7 tells us, "Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." When you pray with thanksgiving, the peace of God will keep your heart and mind.
Please do not loose faith pray to God and belive that He alone can heal.
Praise the Lord for the wonderful family he has given to you and praise the lord for giving you the heart to bless others like you have always done through the years I have know. The Powerful God has work miracles for me in situation similar to what you are going through now will do the same for you. I belive and would like for you to do the same.
God bless you and all that is yours
Praise the Lord

Fellowship Tram Express said...

Troy and Karen - just want you to know that Baby Nolan and your entire family is in our prayers . . . the entire Transit Team of FOTW is praying for you guys this morning.

Anonymous said...

Zuckero family,
You are blanketed in prayers.
We trust and believe for God's glory to be revealed.
" some trust in their war chariots and others in their horses, but we trust in the power of the Lord our God." Psalms 20:7

Anonymous said...

I feel I was led to your family blog, by God -- to read about a God-directed family dealing with God's a circumstance that many who do not have Faith in God to hold them up through adversity, would find devasting and near-impossible to survive. Your testimony of Faith, Love, and Hope is exactly what I need to strengthen me, as I am just now truly growing in my relationship with our Lord. Thank you for sharing your personal life with many -- I view your family and your experiences as deeply inspritational. I do want to offer my sincere condolences for your loss.